So my boot project is finished, and I'm very happy with the results. The lighting, rendering and compositing took a lot of fiddling around but I got there in the end.
The model topology (which has since been refined
slightly) is viewable
The initial texturing and shading (which has also been refined slightly) is viewable
There's a screenshot of my Maya setup below, showing the outliner, render layers and boot topology.
The lights were just a basic 3 point lighting rig, all with physically correct attributes, but with pure white colour in order to avoid any additional gamma correction. As for render passes, I rendered everything in full 16/32bit .EXR files with full Linear workflow to get the most flexibility in compositing.
The render layer/pass setup is listed below:
- Rim light
- Diffuse
- Specular
- Fill Light
- Diffuse
- Specular
- Key Light
- Diffuse
- Specular
- Ambient Occlusion
- Master Layer
- Depth
- Indirect
- Master Beauty
I imported all the .EXR files into NukeX for compositing, manipulating almost all of the sections slightly. Obvious changes include camera blur, lighting tweaks and colour correction. Here's a screencap of my node tree:
Finally, below is the final output. It's a shame we weren't givent the opportunity to track/composite the project into a live action shot as intended, as those are my primary interests on the course. However it did give me the chance to have a quick run through of most production roles in the pipeline.