Thursday, 30 December 2010


2011 is almost upon us! Now's an apt time to reflect on the year past. 

It's been a year of new experiences that's for sure. I love being at University. I'll remember the Annecy trip as one of the best adventures I've ever had. My time spent in Thailand was the most incredible, beautiful, enlightening experience I could have imagined. I moved into a new flat, and I'm having the time of my life. I've scored off a load of things from my bucket list... and I've made friendships that will last a lifetime.

It's times like this I'm glad to be doing Project 365 (which ends on the 5th of Feb), because in 10 years time when I'm a rich and famous animator/hippy road-pirate, I'll be able to look back at every single day and remember just how lucky I am.

I hope 2011 is full of just as much fun and adventure, if not more. Not only for myself, but for everybody.  

2010 was without a doubt, the single greatest year I've ever had, and I really feel like I've lived... which is the most important thing for me. Finally, I really, really, really want you to know how much of that is down to you. I couldn't have done it without you. Keep being awesome. 

Slainté, and Bliadhna Mhath Ùr!

- end of super gay soppy blog post - 

I promise I'll post some cartoons and crap soon... there's a distinct lack of lens flare on my blog of late. 

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

My life philosophy.

I've had this bookmarked for a while and wanted to share it... seeing as I've not posted in a while. Hope ya'll are having as enjoyable a holiday as I am. Slainté!

Friday, 17 December 2010

I'll line test your FACE!

Eat your fucking heart out Time Based Art.

Saturday, 11 December 2010

More time lapse hilarity.

I'm gonna give it a rest for a while and work on one large time lapse project for the next month or so... but here's another day in the animation studio :D Once again, you're best watching it in full HD on youtube here

This was taken over the course of about 3 hours. The lava lamp was much faster than I thought it would be which is unfortunate.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Vertigo Schmertigo.

So I'm abseiling down the Tower Building in Dundee Uni on the 22nd of January to raise money for DARE UK.

It's a charity focused around keeping young people informed, to help them make safe, sensible life choices. They deal mainly with drugs awareness, but also focus a lot on bullying and anti-social behaviour which are subjects very close to my heart. You can read more about the charity on the hyperlink above.

The minimum target is £100, which I'm hoping to smash. If you could contribute anything then it'd be absolutely fantastic, regardless of how small and seemingly insignificant it may be. I know we're all poor students but every little helps. 

The building is 130ft tall, I've got absolutely no abseiling experience, and funnily enough (considering my skydiving escapades) I've got a pretty big fear of standing on tall things. Should prove a laugh :D

If you'd like to help out you can email me at and we'll sort it out, or just grab me when you see me next. 


(Also, that 16GB SDHC card and power adapter I mentioned in my previous post arrived today, so prepare to be timelapsed out your FACE in the coming weeks)


I wanted to set up a timelapse of your average working day in the Animation studio... alas it reached 10.30am and there was a grand total of 2 of us in. "Huzzah!" I thought, "I can capture all my hardworking classmates coming into the studio getting ready for the day!"

Yeah, that didn't quite go to plan... However! Paxton saved the incredibly boring timelapse and turned into a much better Tomlapse. I've trimmed it down and uploaded it for your viewing pleasure.

I'm currently waiting on a DC adapter and 16GB SDHC card so I can do timelapses of about 12 hours which should be cool. Also, you really should view it in full HD on YouTube here.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

There's no business like snow business.

Alas, it's been quite some time since I've made a "real" blog post that involves more than my anguish in Starbucks at sketch groups. 

Last week myself and fellow animators Finlay & Freya went on a good old adventure to see the latest instalment in the Harry Potter saga! I really enjoyed the film, probably my favourite so far... but I think I speak for all my animigoes when I say we were all pleasantly surprised, and blown away, by the very unexpected animated segment in the middle. It was stunning! Directed by Ben Hibbon and created by Framestore, you can ready a really interesting article/interview on it here. It goes relatively in depth on their goals and methods for the piece. Or if that doesn't interest you, here's some eye candy. 

Go and see the film, even if it's just for this part. 

In other news, Snow! Unfortunately the university has been closed pretty much all week... so our production is suffering slightly. It's mildly concerning considering we're 2 weeks away from hand-in but there's not much we can do really. On the plus side we've been having lots of fun in the snow :D I've been learning some snow boarding which is painful but epic. 

Here's some pretty pictures:
Really should view this one full size ;)

Also a shout out to Dundee Uni for featuring me on their Facebook page, thanks a lot! I've not thought of an inspiring quote du jour yet...