I wanted to set up a timelapse of your average working day in the Animation studio... alas it reached 10.30am and there was a grand total of 2 of us in. "Huzzah!" I thought, "I can capture all my hardworking classmates coming into the studio getting ready for the day!"
Yeah, that didn't quite go to plan... However! Paxton saved the incredibly boring timelapse and turned into a much better Tomlapse. I've trimmed it down and uploaded it for your viewing pleasure.
I'm currently waiting on a DC adapter and 16GB SDHC card so I can do timelapses of about 12 hours which should be cool. Also, you really should view it in full HD on YouTube here.
haha, that brightened up my afternoon. :D
ReplyDeleteThis is fantastic :D you definitely have to do more!
ReplyDeleteWell, my new card came today and I got a power adapter from Finlay so I'll set one up tomorrow and let it run all day :D I only wish I could set how often my camera takes the pictures... because holding the button down takes one every 1-2s which gives a really slow playback. I need to speed up the framerate in After Effects I reckon.